Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Being optimistic = peace!!!

I have been thinking of why there are conflicts and quarrels in this world. Finally, I have come to a considerably reasonable and sensible answer.

The first point that come across my mind is the diverse way of thinking that every human being has. Human beings think really differently. Just by looking at a picture, for instance, human being could have different, and I really mean different, judgments, interpretation and opinions. As the saying goes, 'one's meat is another's poison,' one's interpretation on a subject is really unique and diverse. This diversity, if not handled well, would certainly lead to conflict.

Let's illustrate this with another example. Our mothers always have the good intentions when they warn or ask or advise us to be more careful in certain things. Their intentions are indeed pure and kind. However, often, the receivers of the message would find those advises irritating and drowning. They are just being caring and concern yet the receivers might find it pushy and urging. This would ultimately lead to conflict and spoil a intimate and loving relationship.

How can we overcome such horrible situation? Well, we have to be very positive in viewing things. Well, some critics might find it overly optimistic. However, this is the only way to keep everything fine. It is advisable to take the good intention of the others into account all the time. We should turn anything negative into positive to guarantee ourselves a balanced and harmonious life, at the same time, keep a healthy, close and intimate relationship with the others. Via this method, we shall have a wider range of social circle and it's easier to keep everything in order.

Hopefully, I myself will anchor myself to this way of thinking and attitude, or if I had started it, maintain to this principle and get better in this.


Walt said...

Well-cemented arguement..

ash_mirza said...

conflict laaaa....ko nang h******.... haha