Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why are our family members so special to us?

Very often, we do not want to have close attachment with people because the closer we are, the harder we stay apart from them. However, things would not be the same when it comes to family members. Very naturally, we would feel worried and concern about our family members.

Family members are the ones those are the closest to us. I would say it is very necessary to show affection among the family members. This would be the foundation and the base in showing affection and thus, building a strong and good bond with the outsiders or acquaintance or friends.

Family members would be the group of people that makes us anxious about their updates, worried about the well-beings, happy with their achievements and sad with their sadness. Thus, it would be nearly impossible to let go, I mean both physically and mentally about their updates and well-beings. That makes this group of people so special to us.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Very true! family comes first. They are your happiness and most importantly, they won't leave you over silly mistakes...family is all about forgiveness...nice entry robin!