Friday, June 25, 2010


When you feel depressed,
you wouldn't want to talk,
You feel the pain all alone,
until the pain is gone.
What you see would be colourless and dull.


QieYaH said...

amboi2..kenak depressed tuk.. tak baik tau jee.. hilang awet muda lak.hehe

Roserina said...

siew bin,
don't you want to go out?
i mean take a breath of fresh air, fill your lungs...?
i'm quite worried, you know...
you said you haven't been talking with a person for ages...

Robin Wong said...

kiah: haha...ntah..mala jak feel mcm tok kat umah...mun kat luar, jrg i feel mcm tok koh...
ina: haha..yalah...reya i klaka ngan nenek nak, alu rasa sora kmk kecik semcm jak...huhu...

Nana said...

Same here Bin Bin...that's why I bought Ding. I can talk about anything and he won't hurt ur feelings.

Robin Wong said...

i c!!!!!!!!! harus kmk bli pet juak...but what ho??kmk x suka kucing arnab those kind of pets...

Roserina said...

get a fish... a goldfish kah... jgn ikan jerung dah lah... :))

Robin Wong said...

hahahahahhahha...lawaknya ina tok eh...=D i tried to rear fish..but they all died..hahhaa..gne lah??kali kmk suka makan ikan nak??ya lah suma mati..