Sunday, February 8, 2009

10-year time

Recently, I watched Westlife 10th year anniversary concert held at Croke Park. Yeah, 10 years had passed. Westlife published their very first album when I was in Form 1 or so. They had gone through 10 years successfully, of course, with ups and downs. So do I.

What can a 10-year time bring? How many changes that took place in me? Those memories should be kept or deleted? I wonder.

I reflect back. I really appreciate those who have been sincere to me as my friends and those who have been hypocrite will never get the true and genuine friendship / relationship.

Other than friendship, I reflect on my personal attitude. I was a rebellious and playful kid when I was in primary and lower secondary years. Who am I now? Have I changed in terms of attitude and my perspective in life? I am sure that I do. But, to what extent have I changed?

In terms of study, I was lazy in my primary and my lower secondary years. After lectured by my family members, especially my sister and mom, I became a bit diligent and achieved a considerably flying-color result. Thanks for the advice. Now, have I kept the diligence or have I turned back to basis?

One of the positive changes that take place in me is that I value my family more than I did before. I appreciate and enjoy all the times with my family members. I start to be aware of the true meaning of being a family.

Hopefully, positive changes keep taking place in me and I could be a nearly perfect person.

1 comment:

Walt said...

Nostalgic 10 years, huh? Changes are inevitable. R u pleased with whom u r today? If u do, the transformation that u have gone through is obviously a good one and none of these processes were easy as it may seem.. And in your case, life has treated u wonderfully, rite? :)