Sunday, November 23, 2008

2 things that I could not comprehend today.

The following are the two things that I could not comprehend today.
1. I heard there are cases where the JPJ officers issued summons for those who did not wash their cars. This is nonsense! What is it fucking to do with them for not washing cars!!!
2. I really could not figure it out why there are some people who are not at all concerned about their own future. They just do not care about what are they going to do next. I wanna help but I had gone haywire.


LovelyEyna said...

aih!!! really? i mean the JPJ will issue a summon for those who don wash their cars? hahahahaha!!! lawak!!!

Robin Wong said...

yes!!!recently they are short of money i think...=/

LovelyEyna said...

short of money? hahahahahaha... stu _ _ _, eh... hahaha ;p