Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Teacher vs professional badminton player

"One can be a professional player in a particular field if he was well-trained."
Is this true? Let's take an example. Can a teacher be a professional badminton player? Professional player here means the player that competes in the different level of competition, be it state level or national level or international level.

The point here is that can the teacher cope well with the time management and the strength that is required in both fields? A teacher needs to devote most of his time to his work. The same goes to the professional badminton player. So, is it solely the matter of training?


Unknown said...


I love badminton!. As matter of fact, I play since I was a child. I learn from HERE and HERE. It's good to improve my skill.

Keep play,


Robin Wong said...

hi pasifik...thanks for the helps a lot...=D